Sauna Etiquette

When visiting us, we ask that you please read and follow these conditions so that everyone visiting has an enjoyable and safe experience.

Dress code & Hygiene

  • Please ensure you are wearing swimwear at all times.
  • For hygiene reasons, we ask that you please shower before you plunge. By rinsing off, you are helping to ensure the plunges stay fresh for all.
  • Please sit on a towel whilst in the sauna to help maintain hygiene and comfort for everyone. Bring two towels: one to sit on and one to dry yourself with.
  • Please don’t use shampoo, soap or conditioner whilst using the outdoor showers as the water runs off and feeds plants and birds.

Respect & Conduct

  • The sauna space is a place intended for people to relax and recuperate. Keep this in mind while using the sauna.
  • Please respect others’ right to peace and quiet – be aware of the volume, tone and type of conversations you are having in the sauna. St Anne’s House is a mixed-use building so please be mindful of that.
  • If you book on to a ‘Quieter’ session, please keep conversation to a minimum whilst inside the sauna.
  • Please refrain from commenting on or staring at other people’s bodies and tattoos. Even compliments can have the wrong effect.
  • Bristol Community Sauna is a nonsexual space. No intimate contact or kissing please.
  • If you plan on using aromatherapy or essential oils, please check with a member of staff and your sauna companions first as they can affect other customers’ safety. We will ensure that you use them in a way that minimises harm.

Inclusivity & Consent

  • Do not assume people’s gender. If you don’t know what pronouns someone uses, ask them first.
  • Bristol Community Sauna is a phone-free zone. Please leave your phone outside the sauna. You’re welcome to take pictures outside, but always ask for consent first.

Health & Safety

  •  This is an alcohol and drug-free space. Being intoxicated in the sauna is dangerous as it can increase the risk of dehydration, overheating, and impair your ability to recognise signs of distress.
  • Please refrain from smoking or vaping whilst at Bristol Community Sauna.
  • Please check with your fellow sauna companions before adding water to the stones and pause between ladles to allow the heat to build up. Be careful of hot steam and water burning your skin. Pour slow!
  • Remember to hydrate before, during and after using the sauna.
  • Be mindful of the sauna stove and surfaces in the sauna, they’ll be extremely hot!
  • If you’re ever in doubt about someone’s safety or wellbeing, please come and find a member of staff immediately.

We hope you have a wonderful experience at bristol community sauna.

Relax, unwind, enjoy!